October 2023 LLPRD Meeting Minutes

October 30, 2023

Commissioner Tom Ittner called the meeting to order 9am.

Commissioners Present:
Tom Ittner, Robert Clark, Tom Moutvic, Jeremy Johnson on Zoom, Denise Gilane, Kristin Allen, and Greg Malmstrom

Justin Hoffman, and Steve Savage

Approval of the Agenda:

Tom Ittner made a motion to move Justin Hoffman to the top of the agenda. Gregg Malmstrom seconded. Motion carried

Public Input:

Justin Hoffman talked to the Board about the boat patrol. There was a discussion about options for boat patrol and how to pay an officer an extra amount or stipend as an inducement to perform boat patrol. Justin Hoffman was going to review further with the Menominee County Sherrif’s union about the option for the Lake District paying extra money to supplement the officers for boat patrol. Jeremy Johnson and Justin Hoffman are going to do some more research for the next meeting.

Kristin Allen asked if we or property owners had a camera on the water and violations are caught on the camera, can the violator be ticketed. Justin Hoffman said that they can be ticketed, but the property owner or Lake District would have to follow up as necessary in court. Denise Gilane suggested creating a letter to explain the no wake laws and that it is going to be monitored via cameras. Responsible Boating Committee is going to work on a possible letter, updating the brochure, and putting something in the newsletter and website.

Justin Hoffman said that there are more patrol hours on Legend Lake than there are on Shawano Lake.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:

Tom Ittner made some corrections to the minutes. Motion by Jeremy Johnson to approve the September 25,2023 with the discussed amendments. Second by Tom Ittner. Gregg Malmstrom abstained. Motion carried.


Jeremy Johnson said he has been getting a lot of correspondence about the low water. He told them that we need more precipitation in general. This part of the State experienced a five-month drought of precipitation.

Cash Balance Report:

Tom Moutvic went over the cash balances.

Approval of Disbursements:

Tom Moutvic went over the disbursements. Tom Ittner said the musky stocking check is going to be voided. The musky stocking farm sold the muskies before we could get approval from the DNR. Tom Ittner said the LLPOA has billed them for half the website costs, and they are not going to release the check until they have heard from Jim Skulstad and Shelley Williams. Bob Clark made a motion to approve the report. Gregg Malmstrom seconded. Motion carried.

Tom Moutvic questioned where we are in getting him approved to transfer money. Tom Ittner is going to set up another temporary password for him to reset.

Chairman’s Report:

Tom Ittner said they had a nice emergency action plan exercise on October 3rd. Everything went well. Lisa is going to work on updating the emergency action plan this Winter as the DNR will be looking for the update.

Lake Manager:

Jeremy Johnson said that everything is buttoned up for the winter. Some maintenance is going on. Tom Ittner said they are working on the problems with the little harvester.

Dam Inspector:

Tom Ittner said that Lisa Wilson said everything is fine with the dam. The new dam repair has been completed. Kristin wants to put a diagram in the Smoke Signals on how the dam works.

Lake Maintenance:

Jeremy Johnson talked about the ongoing maintenance to get harvesters ready for Spring


Tom Moutvic said they went out for 4 hours and cleaned up the messiest lakeshore lots they could find. He is going to contact the Tribe regarding lots that need attention.

Responsible Boating Committee:

Kristin Allen said they did an online survey and taking the information from that to update the 2024 action plan. They would like to put it in the newsletter and mailing.

They are going to create a refresher course for boater safety online. They are looking at incentives to get adults to take the refresher course.


Kristin and Kit want to start planning the next Lake Fair this winter. Kristin mentioned they were going to have a meeting with the College of Menominee Nation about their participation in the Lake Fair next year.


Jeremy is done for the season. There will be no report until Spring when they send out the notices.

Law Enforcement:

Already covered.


Already covered.


Nothing to report

Auxiliary Approved Meeting Reports:

Jeremy Johnson said the Land Conservation Committee did approve cost share dollars to the LLPOA to create a shoreline buffer by the lodge. The shoreline has been planted.


Tom Ittner said the personnel committee needs to meet with Arland Dillenburg. They are going to meet with him in December

Old Business:

Lake Management Plan:

They discussed the amount proposed for treatment for next year. The District will be getting GPS laptops for the harvesters to help track time, routes, and to match up the areas surveyed with the EWM. Onterra is working on putting the data together for residual monitoring results. Tom Ittner said Onterra is working on the Lake Management Plan Grant. Both Jeremy and Tom stated that the new contractor is very efficient and thorough with their surveys, maps, and date results.

Dam 3 Repairs:

Bob Clark said he was watching them fix the cut out. He talked about the water running in the spillway box down below where the output pipe is connected to. He discussed the water that is coming out of the pipe and said he closed the butterfly valve. Bob estimates that 80% of the water flow has been stopped. Tom Ittner is checking on documentation on the third pipe. There was a discussion about the pipe. Jeremy Johnson said he can monitor the lake levels on Moshawquit and Legend Lake.

New Business:

No report

Meeting adjourned.

The Board discussed and set the next meeting on Monday, November 30, 2023, at 9:00 am.

Kristin Allen, Secretary