July 2024 LLPOA Meeting Minutes

LLPOA Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes for July 12, 2024

Board Members Present:

Steve Savage, Randy Roesner, Stan Wilson, Karen Bowman-Dillenburg, Shelley Williams, Gregg Malmstrom, Steve Kastning, Jim Skulstad, Darin Tiedt


Wendy Kickbush, Keri Gretebeck, Alex Peters, Jeff Dixon, Dave Walton, Thomas Strebel, and Nancy Kirchner-Roberts

Visitors Comments:

Wendy Kickbush said she came to the meeting to find out what was going on with the compost site. She wanted to know if she could use it with the storm damage. She was told that the compost site is going back to its normal hours.

Keri Gretebeck questioned the piles at the end of the road which keep getting bigger. The County is hiring four contractors to clean things up. She was told to take pictures and call the police if she sees someone dumping on the side of the road.

Nancy Kirchner-Roberts thanked everyone involved for the tree clean up that has been done. She appreciates everything that everyone is doing.

Alex Peters introduced himself and told the Board about his history. Alex turned a billing in and there was a discrepancy between what Alex billed and what was agreed upon with the crew. Alex explained their background and what they did.

Jeff Dixon Sr. asked what was going on with the compost site. He might be working with the County on cleaning up the roads. He was told the County is using the compost site as a staging area and he was told to talk with Jeremy Weso on their arrangements. The Board will be discussing the Compost Site schedule later in the meeting.

Selection of Officers and Committee Chairs:

Jim Skulstad nominated Steve Kastning for President, seconded by Gregg Malmstrom. Steve Kastning accepted the nomination. No other nomination, so Steve Kastning retained the presidency.

Gregg Malmstrom nominated Jim Skulstad for Vice President, seconded by Stan Wilson. Karen Bowman-Dillenburg made a motion for Gregg Malmstrom as Vice President. Gregg Malmstrom declined the nomination due to potential conflict of interest. Jim Skulstad accepted the nomination. No other nominations, so Jim Skulstad is now the Vice President.

Wilson nominated Darin Tiedt as Secretary, seconded by Greg Malmstrom. Darin Tiedt accepted the nomination. It was verified that there was no other nominations. Darin Tiedt is now the Secretary.

Randy Roesner nominated Stan Wilson as Treasurer, seconded by Shelley Williams. Stan Wilson accepted the nomination. No other nominations, so Stan Wilson is remaining as Treasurer.

The Board discussed and selected committee members. The Board discussed conflict of interest concerning the legal committee and MCTA. The President is going to leave the legal committee as is until the next meeting so he can deliberate on the perceived conflict.

Alex and the Board discussed his billing. It was agreed that they had a bad phone connection when they talked so they compromised and agreed to lower the bill to $22,000.


The Lake District is having their Annual Meeting on August 10th at the lodge. The Lake Fair is on August 17th from 10 to 3 and activities are going to be expanded. The DNR held up the permit for treatment and they later gave the approval for the treatment and they do not have to have an approval from the Tribe.


The County asked to include the Menominee Indian School District in the Lawsuit the MCTA has against the County and they are going to allow it.

Approval of Minutes of Board Meeting May 10, 2024:

Steve Savage made a motion to approve the minutes for June 14, 2024. Gregg Malmstrom seconded the motion. Several changes to the minutes were requested. Steve Savage made a motion to approve the minutes with the recommended changes. Karen Bowman-Dillenburg seconded. Motion for approval of minutes carried.

Approval of Disbursements:

A compromise in payment of $22,000 was made for the Alex Peters bill. The Menominee County Treasurer bill was questioned and it was said it was for property taxes. The Thomas G and Karen L Swink payment. It is for the purchase of two properties. The Nassco bill was questioned and Thomas Strebel said it was for toilet paper and paper hand towel. The President and Dave Walton went over the TLB bill and what the chipper had done. The Board discussed the chipping. Steve Savage made a motion to approve the disbursements for June 2024 and July 2024. Stan Wilson seconded. Motion carried.

Outside Managers Report:

The Property Manager explained what the chipper has done already and how much the compost site was used. He also discussed the threats people had made and problems that occurred at the compost site. The Board talked about the chip pile, procedures at the compost site, and the commercial dumping. An agreement was made with the County for using the Compost Site and the Compost hours are going back to the normal hours.

The Property Manager is getting bids for cleaning the Beach Clubs. It is hard to get bids right now because everyone is busy. The Beach Clubs the Property Manager knows are affected are Straight Arrow, Council Hill, Deer Path (which is done), Spirit Island, Sunrise, Sundance, Thunderbird, Mallard Bay, and Blue Heron. Since the Compost site is closing, the crew is going to start mowing the other Beach clubs. The Lake District crew has been helping out.

People have been dumping at the end in a cul-de-sac. A person was caught on camera and turned into authorities.

There was a discussion about what they should do with the contractors using the compost site and the costs. The County is going to pay 50% of the costs the Association has incurred to this point on chipping. Going forward the County is paying 100% of the chipping. The Sheriff Department is going to be informed about what is going on at the Compost Site in case an altercation occurs.

The help Lake District has given was discussed and how they are trading help back and forth. The Property Manager asked a former employee to help out at the compost site next Saturday.

Office Managers Report:

Thomas Strebel said the deadline for the next Smoke Signals is August 10th. Thomas verified that he sets up the routing for the email for the new Board member in the same way he has done in the past. The password has changed and it was given to Lisa in the office.

The person with the handicap access was contacted with the additional information needed, and he never called back.

Action Items:

The Board discussed the Facebook posts about transparency on votes in minutes. Randy Roesner made a motion to have this motion and all future motions have the Board’s member name and their vote captured and published for the members to see. To do this a roll call vote would need to be asked for every vote. The Board discussed the request. If the vote passes the Board needs to support the results of that vote whether they agree with it or not. There was a discussion about the Board’s transparency and there is only a small number of people complaining about this.

It was recommended that unless they have some compelling committee report, to disband with the reports and go onto other business.

Committee Reports:


No report

Beach Clubs:

The Beach Club Committee reported that Huck never moved his boat, and Horsheit did move theirs over a bit.

The President requested all committee chairs pass on to the new committee chairs a synopsis of your committee and ongoing projects within the committee.

Buildings and Grounds:

No report.

By-Laws & Legal:

No report.


No report.


No report.


No report.

Forestry and Outlots:

No report.


No report.


No report.

Property Sales:

There was a bid received on 50 Straight Arrow for $12,001. The Board accepted the bid


No report.

Roads and Security:

No report.

Other Business:

The President allowed a contractor to bring in 10 load for a payment of $1000.

Motion to adjourn by Steve Savage, seconded by Shelley Williams, motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned.

Next meeting is Friday, August 9, 2024, at 3:00 p.m.

Submitted by:

Darin Tiedt, Secretary
Board of Director