July 2024 LLPRD Meeting Minutes

July 16, 2024

Commissioner Tom Ittner called the meeting to order 9am.

Commissioners Present:
Tom Ittner, Tom Moutvic, Robert Clark, Denise Gilane, Kristin Allen, Greg Malmstrom, Jeremy Johnson

Steve Schuh- Lake Manager

Approval of the Agenda:

Motion by Denise Gilane to accept agenda as presented. Second by Greg Malmstrom. Motion carried.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:

Motion by Tom Moutvic to approve the June 18, 2024, minutes with changes. Second by Denise Gilane. Motion carried with one abstention.


No Correspondence.

Cash Balance Report:

Tom Moutvic went over the cash balances & checking disbursement report.

Approval of Disbursements:

Tom Moutvic went over the disbursements. Gregg Malmstrom made a motion to approve the report & disbursements. Denise Gilane seconded. Motion carried.

Chairman’s Report:

No report.

Lake Manager:

Steve Schuh said they have the harvesters running after some minor repairs. They did their CLMN water testing yesterday. He looked for AIS aquatic plants that need to be harvested. They have been helping the LLPOA with the storm damage to pay them back with things they helped us with in the past.

Kristin Allen said she called Schmidt’s Docks and asked them not to power load when leave Legend Lake.

Dam Inspector:

Tom Ittner said that Lisa said everything is fine at the dams. Steve Schuh said the water is about 3 inches above the cut out. There was a discussion about the water temperature and lake level.

Lake Maintenance:

Jeremy Johnson said the boat launch pay posts have been cleaned up and they have been working well since Steve Schuh helped them with the welding of the posts. Kristin Allen said that Steve Schuh has gotten a lot of complements around the lake.


Tom Moutvic said he met with Doug Cox about using the tribal kids to pick up trash. He sent out his annual letter to take the asking for volunteers to take tribal kids out to pick up trash.

Responsible Boating Committee:

Kristin Allen said she does not understand why the Association did not buy the Lake District’s clothing this year. Tom Ittner questioned if she had talked to the Association. She said no, she does not like the apparel that the Association has. She wants more room for the apparel so she wants to get a shelving unit and she would give the Lake District a square reader. The Board discussed the sale of clothing. Tom Ittner told Kristin to work with Thomas on it.

The RBC intern is going to let them know if she wants to continue working for them. They are going to work on getting more posts out there on the website.

Kristin asked Steve Schuh for the depth information he had collected to show that not going slow no wake is likely filling in the channels. There was a discussion about the channel’s depths. Tom Ittner directed Kristin to the Stevens Point website for information on wave actions that affect lake bed bottoms.

They are doing a quiz about no wake being two hundred feet. They are going to take pictures to show what 200 feet of distance looks like. Tom Ittner said they must do an anonymous stake holder survey to the members this fall as part of the Comprehensive Planning Grant. Tom Ittner is going to send it out to the Board to review the questions, changes and additions.

Kristin Allen asked to include the RBC brochure in the annual meeting and the boating handbook in next year’s mailing. Tom Ittner said that it would cost a lot to mail and suggested having them handed out by the Clean Boat Clean Water people. Tom Ittner said, he would check if we could include the RBC brochure in the mailing with Print Source.

Kristin would like to put signs with the no wake times at the boat launches. There was a discussion about the sign. Kristin is going to get the signs and ask the Association if they can put them on the gates of the Association’s boat launches.


Kristin Allen said that Jacque Fedders is leaving the Lake and the Social Committee is looking to do something for her. She asked the Board to write something up for the Smoke Signals and asked for help for some information. There was discussion who we could talk with to get more information about everything she did on the Lake.

Kristin feels that there should be more updates happening on the website and should be more open to updating the new website. Tom Ittner said that Randy is finishing up something and next week they will be setting up a meeting date to go over it. They will ask Alice Licari from the RBC committee to possibly work with the website technician to help update the Lake District items on the website.

Boater’s Safety Class had another successful year. Five students had to retake the test. She is going to reach out to the Tribe to see if they can use the Tribal shoreline next year. Kristin asked Steve Schuh to bring Sue’s kayak next year for boater safety. Tom Ittner said that she does not have to ask the Board, she can work through Jeremy Johnson who is Steve’s link to the Board.


Jeremy Johnson said, all the septic initial notices went out in early May and there is about 160 not done in the system. Warning letters were sent. He had to adjust 15 to 20 items in the system. The final deadline is August 4th. They discussed septic smell.

Law Enforcement:

There was a discussion about people going to fast. Kristin is going to work with Maniyan on educating the Tribe on boating rules.


Tom Ittner said the Walleye fry are doing well in the rearing ponds. Ryan Wehse is going to be at the Lake Fair. He needs the tent over the fish tank at the fair.


Nothing to report

Auxiliary Approved Meeting Reports:

No report.


Tom Ittner said they could always use more people on the Clean Boats Clean Water crew.

Old Business:

2024 Lake Management Plan:

Onterra is doing their thing and communicating with Tom Ittner and Jeremy Johnson. They need a letter from the DNR that they removed the hold and the DNR runs the show on the lake. Tom Ittner is going to ask for a refund for the application fee. If they treat this year, we could have caused a fish kill. Tom Ittner made the decision to not treat this year as the water was to warm and the treatment would have been after the July 4th weekend which was not recommended by Onterra. They are planning for next year. Jeremy Johnson asked Heather Pyatskowit why they have to go through the Tribal legislature, why can’t they get a surface permit through the environmental services department. They did not know because they have always done it that way. We are going to wait and see how the DNR letter wording and requirements dictates. The Board discussed the permit.

Lake Fair:

Kristin Allen said they are meeting next week. They have a number of venders and a bounce house lined up. The Tribe is no longer sponsoring the log roller, instead they are donating a stay at the resort. They are not doing cash donations year this. We may need to purchase more prizes. Boa boa tea is going to be here. Kristin is going to get t-shirts for the volunteers and crew that don’t have them already. They talked about updating the dates and information on the banners and advertising in the Market Messenger. It was suggested to include the Lake Fair flyer information in the Annual mailing.

Budget Planning:

Tom Ittner went over the budget proposal. The Board discussed boats ramming into the Beach Club shorelines. The per lot charge would be $67.94 and Tom Ittner asked if they want to do a non-lapsing fund for shoreline maintenance. The Board discussed the amount to put towards the non-lapsing fund and how they should measure the changing depths on the channels. It would be an additional $14.29 per lot if they include the channel maintenance fund. This will make the total per lot amount of $82.23 for the 2025 assessment.

Annual Meeting Planning:

Tom Ittner said they need to add an agenda item for creating a non-lapsing fund and it needs to be presented prior to the budget. They went over what each of them will handle for the meeting. Tom Ittner asked the Board to go over the Annual meeting minutes and respond by Wednesday to Tom Ittner.

Next meeting: Tuesday, August 27, 2024, at 9:00 am

Meeting adjourned.

Kristin Allen, Secretary