September 2024 LLPRD Meeting Minutes

September 24, 2024

Commissioner Tom Ittner called the meeting to order 9am.

Commissioners Present:
Tom Ittner, Tom Moutvic, Denise Gilane, Kristin Allen, Gregg Malmstrom, Jeremy Johnson

Steve Schuh- Lake Manager

Approval of the Agenda:

Gregg Malmstrom made a motion to approve the agenda. Second by Denise Gilane. Motion carried.

Public Input:

No public input.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:

Motion by Gregg Malmstrom to approve the August 27, 2024, meeting minutes with any corrections. Second by Tom Moutvic. Motion carried.


No Correspondence.

Cash Balance Report:

Tom Moutvic went over the cash balances & checking disbursement report.

Approval of Disbursements:

Tom Moutvic went over the disbursements. Jeremy Johnson made a motion to approve the report & disbursements. Gregg Malmstrom seconded. Motion carried.

Chairman’s Report:

Tom Ittner said Steve Schuh is doing a very good job as Lake Manager, and he has the shop very well organized.

Lake Manager:

Steve Schuh said they just have the end of season maintenance to do to finish up with the machines for the season. He has the permit from the Tribe to pull water from the Lake to flush the dam, and they will be doing this one Wednesday night. They are at 1156 hours for Clean Boats Clean Water. He has two new people for clean boat clean water program for next year. The Harvesters are out of the water, and they are working on the grating on the transport trailer. They will pressure wash the equipment, take the buoys out, and at the end of the month they will take the docks out. They had 90 loads of aquatic plants harvested this year.

Dam Inspector:

The toe drain system has already been cleaned out. Tom Ittner said the dams are in good shape.

Lake Maintenance:

Jeremy Johnson talked about the trapper contract. He advised that Arland Dillenburg did not want to do the trapping this fall and suggested that Jonathan Pyatskowit could handle the contract. Jeremy suggested we follow up with Jonathan Pyatskowit about the trapping contract.


Tom Moutvic said they did a swipe of the Tribal lots with a couple kids for debris and they didn’t find much. It’s been getting better every year so far.

Responsible Boating Committee:

Responsible Boating Committee met yesterday. Kristin Allen said they are going to show in the Smoke Signals about why the channels are filling in. They are going to create a video showing how going faster than slow no wake causes the channels to fill in. Kristin is also going to make a video to show the difference between slow no wake for pontoons and wake boats. The Association is going to sell the boat responsibility merchandise that the RBC committee has created. There was a discussion about channel depths over the years and water inflows from the area Watersheds surrounding the lake System.


Kristin Allen said she was informed someone built a boat ramp off their property in Setting Sun. Jeremy would investigate it. Kristin must get the invoice paid for the design of a logo for Legend Lake. Tom Ittner said it is a website cost and it should be shared by the Association. The Board discussed the logo options.


Jeremy Johnson said sanitation has been wrapped up for the season and everyone has been invoiced.

Law Enforcement:

Denise Gilane is going to a union rep meeting.


Tom Ittner said the Lake received 6000 walleyes from the Tribal rearing site and they were stocked in the lake at four different spots. The walleyes were bigger this year. The Lake District also stocked 200 muskies that they had purchased into 2 different spots in the lake. Outside groups are contacting the Lake District about what they can do to help with stocking.


Nothing to report

Auxiliary Approved Meeting Reports:

No report.


The Board discussed the recruits for next year for clean boat clean water educational program.

Old Business:

2024 Lake Management Plan:

Jeremy Johnson said they are just finishing the late summer surveys and should be able to get the maps in a couple weeks to share with everyone. Comments on the lake wide survey for the grant program must be edited and submitted to Onterra for the go ahead.

They found the end of the mystery pipe. The plan is to put the lid in front of the pipe to be able to seal the other end.

New Business:

Stipend Pay Incentive Plan for Boat Patrol:

Tom Ittner went over the payment to the officers for the boat patrol hours that they put in for the year. They asked if they were going to modify the grid. The Board discussed the grid and all the details of how the grid was created. The grid was agreed on this year, but they can present modifications to the grid for next year. They are going to ask the Sheriff office to come in and propose adjustments to the hour grids for next year at one of the upcoming meetings this year. The Board agreed that we would pay out the stipends based on the agreed contract we had for 2024.

Tom Ittner passed out the updated budget and the Board discussed the budget. Steve Schuh will price out new/used trucks for the Board to get an idea of cost involved.

Next meeting: Tuesday, October 29, 2024, at 9:00 am, and November 19, 2024, for the following month.

Meeting adjourned.

Kristin Allen, Secretary