October 29, 2024
Commissioner Tom Ittner called the meeting to order 9am.
Commissioners Present:
Tom Ittner via zoom, Denise Gilane, Kristin Allen, Gregg Malmstrom, Jeremy Johnson, Robert Clark via Zoom
Commissioner Excused:
Tom Moutvic
Steve Schuh- Lake Manager
Approval of the Agenda:
Jeremy Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda. Second by Gregg Malmstrom. Motion carried.
Public Input:
No public input.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Motion by Gregg Malmstrom to approve the September 24, 2024, meeting minutes. Second by Kristin Allen. Motion carried.
First responders of Menominee County sent a request for sponsorship for the Ball of the Badge. It is going to be discussed at next month’s meeting.
Cash Balance Report:
Tom Ittner went over the cash balances & checking disbursement report.
Approval of Disbursements:
Tom ittner went over the disbursements. Gregg Malmstrom made a motion to approve the disbursements. Jeremy Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
Chairman’s Report:
Tom Ittner said Andrew Hodack is asking to set up a meeting with the Menominee Tribe, LLPRD Board, Moshawquit Lake Assn., LaMotte Lake Assn. and the WDNR to set processes and procedures for future treatments on lakes within the Menominee Tribe’s boundaries. Jeremy recommended that only 3 representatives should go to the meeting otherwise they will have a quorum. Tom Ittner, Robert Clark, and Kristin Allen are going to attend the meeting.
Deputy Jamie Dins and Chief Deputy Justin Hoffman are coming to the November 19th meeting to discuss adjustments to the incentive pay for boat patrol.
Lake Manager:
Steve Schuh said all the buoys are out and 12 of them are damaged from people hitting them. Two of them are not repairable. Snow fence is up on dam one and all the cattails and vegetation cut down. There is a tree in the spillway that they need to remove once the ground hardens up. The dam has been flushed. Since it has been nice, they have started with the spring maintenance on dam three. Steve welded the sub frame of the transporter; he is not sure how long it has been broken. Three of the four motors were replaced on the transporter trailer. Tom Ittner said that Steve Schuh and his crew have been doing an excellent job. The Association and the Lake District are going to work together to pull the docks out. The water is low on the lake.
Dam Inspector:
Tom Ittner said everything is fine at the dams.
Lake Maintenance:
No report.
No report.
Responsible Boating Committee:
Responsible Boating Committee met yesterday. Kristin Allen said they would like to sit down with Jeremy Johnson and rewrite ordinance 47 to make it more updated. The Board discussed the ordinance. Tom Ittner suggested they include Deputy Dins and Chief Deputy Hoffman in the process of updating the ordinance. Robert Clark feels the ordinance should be approved by the entire Board. Kristin suggested that they tell the lake district members that additional funds were spent by LLPRD for incentive to boat patrol deputies for more hours on the lake. Kristin suggested that the district give the summer intern a $150 gift card. Discussion and they all agreed to have LLPRD purchase the gift card. The committee would like to advertise the Boater Safety class better and ramp up the whole program. Advertise in the Shawano Market Messenger, to get more students and include tribal boater safety students also.
Kristin Allen does not have anything new for the website. She would like to have a different logo than what the joint Website currently has.
Jeremy Johnson said sanitation permits are up this year, many new but more replacement systems as well, which are going well. Maintenance permits are done for the year.
Law Enforcement:
Denise Gilane shared the meeting which did not go well for reopening the union contract for the deputies. Currently, fully staffed in the department. The boating stipends were greatly appreciated by the deputies.
Tom Ittner nothing to report
Nothing to report
Auxiliary Approved Meeting Reports:
Jeremy attended the WAMSCO grant meeting. The new administrator is applying for new grants & outreach.
No update for today. Keep the ad for clean boats employees in the Smoke Signals.
Old Business:
2025 Lake Management Plan:
Jeremy Johnson shared that we need to finalize treatment plan for 2025. Tom & Jeremy need to meet and see how to progress. They discussed the PI, and approx. four areas for maybe thirty acres. Jeremy will talk to Heather P. and discuss the tribal process. No rock can be used on Horseshoe Island shoreline fix, but fish sticks might be used.
New Business:
CBCW Grant Resolution 2025: Tom Ittner discussed the 2025 Clean Boat Clean Water application that we are applying for financial assistance. The total grant should be $18,000, $12,000 grant monies from DNR, $6,000 cost share from LLPRD.
Motion by Tom Ittner to proceed with the 2025 Clean Boats Clean Water Grant resolution. Second by Jeremy Johnson. Motion carried.
Other Information:
Bob Clark discussed measuring the flow rate from the five toe drains with Steve Schuh. Measures should be taken once a year to keep track of the flow into Moshawquit Lake. Lisa Wilson could update the dam maintenance book along with the disaster book. Jeremy Weso our County Coordinator/Highway Commissioner is resigning on November 15, 2024, going to work for the DOT.
Next meeting: Tuesday, November 19, 2024 @ 9am
Meeting adjourned.
Kristin Allen, Secretary