December 2024 LLPOA Meeting Minutes

LLPOA Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes for December 13, 2024

Board Members Present:

Randy Roesner, Stan Wilson, Karen Bowman-Dillenburg, Shelley Williams, Gregg Malmstrom via zoom, Darin Tiedt, Steve Savage

Board Member Excused:

Steve Kastning, Jim Skulstad

Darin Tiedt called meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. Darin Tiedt asked for a nomination to chair the meeting. Shelley Williams nominated Stan Wilson to chair the meeting. Randy Roesner seconded the motion. Motion carried

Visitors Comments:

No visitor’s comments.


The District is waiting for the DNR to get back to the Lake District to facilitate a meeting between the Tribe and Lake District. It has been determined that they do not need to get approval from the Tribe for treatment, but to be good neighbors they are going to have a meeting with the Tribe about the treatment.


The statement from MCTA was passed out to the Board to read

Approval of Minutes of Board Meeting of November 8, 2024:

Steve Savage made a motion to approve the minutes for November 8, 2024. Shelley Williams seconded the motion. Motion for approval of minutes carried.

Approval of Disbursements:

The P & D Auto Sales charge was questioned. It was for the Repair of the Blue Truck. The charges were question at Menards. It was suggested that it would be mre cost effective to purchase supplies at Torborgs versus using time and mileage to go to Menards. Stan Wilson is going to talk to Dave. Darin Tiedt made a motion to approve the disbursements for November & December 2024. Steve Savage seconded. Motion carried.

Outside Managers Report:

Operations have concluded as of November 30th and the crew will work as needed.

Office Managers Report:

Thomas Strebel reported the dues notices were sent out and some payments have come in already. The Smoke Signals were also mailed out. Thomas said he talked with Steve Kastning about running out of room for filing lot information and asked to Steve about buying some filing cabinets and organizational shelving units. The Board discussed setting up plans and scanning documents.

It was questioned how many ice fishing derbies were booked for the season at the lodge. Thomas said three of them have been booked. It was questioned if the walk the lake was booked. Thomas said yes.

Thomas confirmed with Stan that he wanted him to pay the renewal of the director’s insurance.

Committee Reports:


In January the committee is going to have an updated report on the proposed changes to Architectural rules. If it effects the bylaws, they will need to propose a bylaw change.

Beach Clubs:

The Committee is still getting questions on the Beach Clubs. Most people are pleased with what the were able to do up to this point. There was a question about why the dues went up. The person did not attend the focus group meetings, the annual meeting, read anything in the annual mailing, read the website postings, nor read any of the social media postings.

It was pointed out that the trees that have been pushed on the Association property by a Tribal member still have not been removed. Karen is going to follow up on it. A request was received asking to leave the Beach Club gates open during the winter so that he can drive on his ATV to go ice fishing.


The Grant for fuel reduction has been approved for $8000 to clean up downed trees between the Lake and VV in 2025. It has to be an outside contractor cutting down. A check for $3000.00 is coming for wood that has been removed. Current locations being logged were reviewed.

Buildings and Grounds:

A note from committee chair was passed out for the Board to read. The lower shop needs review by the committee to understand if repair are required and any subsequent monies needed. Steve Kastning requested they waive the fee for the youth fishing derby. The Board discussed and Karen is going to get more information regarding the derby and sponsorships. Darin Tiedt made a motion to table the request until this information is available at the next meeting. Steve Savage seconded. Motion carried. It was stated and agreed upon by Board members that all committee members should be made aware what is going on at the committee level prior to submitting to the Board for review.

Thomas Strebel asked if they should waive the fee for the veteran rental. Karan Bowman-Dillenburg made a motion to waive the fee. Darin Tiedt seconded. Motion carried.

The Board discussed the cabinet request. Gregg Malmastrom volunteered to work with Randy Roesner to prpose a data management plan for the LLPOA to be submitted for review at the next meeting. They need to find out what they need to keep and what they can throw out. Need to find out the imaging process. The Board tabled it until they get more information.

It was confirmed that the safety rearrangement planned for the office has been completed.

By-Laws & Legal:

Nothing to report.


The committee has been working with Lake District on posting their videos. Randy Roesner if going to do it and make it work.


The was a discussion about campers still on the lot.


Finance is going to get started on working on the budget. Both Karen Bowman-Dillenburg and Darin Tiedt volunteered to help with this process.

Forestry and Outlots:

Already discussed


No report.


No report.

Property Sales:

No bids.


No report.

Roads and Security:

No report.

Other Business:

Steve Savage brought to the attention of the Board that there was not a vote for Olson or at the Board level a vote to proceed with the lawsuit. It was not discussed and not in the minutes. It was stated that this item should be discussed in the New Year and voted on by the Board.

Closed Session:
Shelley Williams made a motion to go into closed session. Steve Savage seconded. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn was made by Steve Savage. Darin Tiedt seconded. Motion carried

Next meeting is Friday, January 10, 2025, at 3:00 p.m.

Submitted by:

Darin Tiedt, Secretary
Board of Director