December 2024 LLPRD Meeting Minutes

December 17, 2024

Commissioner Tom Ittner called the meeting to order 9am.

Commissioners Present:
Tom Ittner, Kristin Allen, Gregg Malmstrom, Robert Clark, and Tom Moutvic

Steve Schuh- Lake Manager

Approval of the Agenda:

Robert Clark made a motion to approval of the agenda. Gregg Malmstrom seconded. Motion carried.

Public Input:

No public input.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:

Motion by Gregg Malmstrom to approve the November 19, 2024, meeting minutes with requested changes. Second by Robert Clark. Motion carried.


No correspondence

Cash Balance Report:

Tom Moutvic went over the cash balances & checking disbursement reports.

Approval of Disbursements:

Tom Moutvic went over the disbursements. Kristin Allen made a motion to approve the disbursements. Gregg Malmstrom seconded. Motion carried

Chairman’s Report:

Tom Ittner said, the Clean Boat Clean Water grants are completed. Both the Reimbursement Request for the 2024 CBCW grant and the Request Application for the 2025 CBCW Grant.

Lake Manager:

Steve Schuh said he has the gate open by dam three and the gates down by Rawhide. He has two or three trees cut down on dam three and will be working on hauling the wood away. Steve said he is looking at a new dissolved oxygen meter because the old one is shot. He is going to put in an order for ten buoys after the first of the year. He still has to trim the downside of the dam #3. There is a split rail fence up in place of the orange fence.

Dam Inspector:

Steve Schuh said once the ice freezes over he goes out once a week to clean up the garbage along the shore.

Lake Maintenance:

No report.


No report.

Responsible Boating Committee:

Kristin Allen said Randy Roesner has made a LLPRD You tube page to house the Responsible Boating Committee’s videos because there is not enough storage space on the website. The website will link to the videos. They got the intern a gift card for Christmas. They are meeting at the beginning of January to rewrite ordinance 47 and eliminate Ordinance 13. There was a discussion about the Lake District Boater Safety class and the Tribe’s Boater Safety class.


Kristin Allen and Tom Ittner need to work on the Lake District’s part of the website and get back with the Association. Kristin said that in February will be the biggest walk the lake event yet. She talked about her fund raiser.


No report.

Law Enforcement:

Gregg Malmstrom talked about the revolving door of officer employment. Tom Ittner is going to talk with Deputy Hoffmann about the boat patrol incentives.


Tom Ittner said he has been getting reports that fishing has improved.


Nothing to report

Auxiliary Approved Meeting Reports:

No report.


Ernie is doing better. There was a discussion about a possible internship for new CBCW employees.

Old Business:

2025 Lake Management Plan:

Tom Ittner said they are going to a DNR hosted meeting on Dec. 19, 2024 to find out what is going on with the chemical treatment permitting process for the coming year. There was a discussion about if there are people who dispute the chemical treatment. Tom Ittner said the first postcard on the survey is going out January 6th and they are hoping for a 40% response. Kristin is going to put something on the community page about the survey.

Insurance Renewal:

Tom Ittner went over the insurance renewal quotes. The Board discussed the options. Tom Ittner made a motion to renew the insurance premium paying the $13,405 annual as discussed today with an additional $375 premium for increasing the storage building limit to $300,000. Gregg Malmstrom seconded. Motion carried.

New Business:

Review Updated Budget:

Tom Ittner went over the budget. There was a lot of expenses for repairs and maintenance and Tom went over these expenses. Tom Ittner made the motion to take the unallocated funds of $5000 and apply it to the repair and maintenance line item. Tom Moutvic seconded. Motion carried.

Other Information:

Tom Moutvic said the IRS has not yet set the mileage rate for 2025.

Next meeting: Tuesday, January 21, 2024, at 9am

Meeting adjourned.

Kristin Allen, Secretary