May 2024 LLPRD Meeting Minutes

May 21, 2024

Commissioner Tom Ittner called the meeting to order 9am.

Commissioners Present:
Tom Ittner, Tom Moutvic, Robert Clark,Jeremy Johnson, Denise Gilane, Kristin Allen, Greg Malmstrom

Steve Schuh- Lake Manager, Deputy Jamie Dins, and Karen Dillenburg

Approval of the Agenda:

Tom Ittner wants to move #11 Boat Patrol Enforcement to #3 on the agenda and Kristin Allen wanted to move the Lake Fair up to item #4. Gregg Malmstrom made a motion to approve the agenda with the two edits. Kristin Allen seconded. Motion carried.Tom Ittner wants to move #11 Boat Patrol Enforcement to #3 on the agenda and Kristin Allen wanted to move the Lake Fair up to item #4. Gregg Malmstrom made a motion to approve the agenda with the two edits. Kristin Allen seconded. Motion carried.

Boat Patol Enforcement:

Tom Ittner said that the Menominee Sheriff’s Union per Justin Hoffman has approved the boat patrol plan with a couple changes. Now Sheriff Rebecca Smith is giving it to the lawyers for their approval. Deputy Jamie Dins said that the part timer was not pulled off the boat patrol for road patrol. He should be out on the water this weekend.

Lake Fair:

Kristin Allen said they have had some meetings concerning the lake fair and the lake fair date has been put in the Smoke Signals. Since they started earlier, they will be able to post times for some unique events at the Lake Fair. Karen went over the things they are planning on doing. They are going to have a log rolling demonstration and a beading contest. They are going to ask for donations for the lake fair. There was a discussion about donations and advertising. They discussed the games they were going to have and the other vendor attendees.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:

Motion by Kristin Allen to approve the April 16, 2024, minutes with changes. Second by Robert Clark. Motion carried.



Cash Balance Report:

Tom Moutvic went over the cash balances & checking account.

Approval of Disbursements:

Tom Moutvic went over the disbursements. Gregg Malmstrom made a motion to approve the report & disbursements. Denise Gilane seconded. Motion carried.

Chairman’s Report:

Tom Ittner asked to Board to start thinking about the budget for the Annual Meeting. He also questioned if they should create a non-lapsing fund for future dredging of channels that may get to shallow to navigate through. They discussed the need for dredging. The Annual meeting is August 10, 2024.

Gregg Malmstrom said the LLPOA Annual meeting has been moved to June 29, 2024; and they are going to have focus group meetings on the 1st and the 8th of June. There was a discussion about the LLPOA meetings, the MCTA, and taxpayers.

Lake Manager:

Steve Schuh said all the equipment is in and running they double-checked buoys weekly. They put a split rail fence up by the shop and Dam #3 along the snowmobile path to Long Lake Road. The snow fences at both dams have been removed. Clean Boat Clean Water employees had an orientation meeting with the AIS director of the Menominee Couty (Alex) to go over all procedures. The tree debris from the lake was cleaned up where they park the harvesters off from VV. There is a need to clean up three trees that came down over in the spillway over the winter which will be done over the summer. Someone backed into the guardrail at Dam #3 on Long Lake Road which damaged one section of guardrail and part of the road. The County was very responsive about fixing the road and the guardrail section for the Lake District.

Dam Inspector:

Tom Ittner said that Lisa said everything is fine at the dams. Tom Ittner asked Steve if they took care of the aquatic plant mat on the spillway grate at Dam #3. Steve Schuh said that it was taken care of the same day. Tom Ittner said, Well Done.

Lake Maintenance:

No report


Tom Moutvic is sending out the annual letter this week. Tom Is looking to get in touch with some of the people who own the Tribal trust lots and get them cleaned up. Tom Ittner reported on a complaint brought into the office about a structure being built on the Big Blacksmith Lake Basin Island in the SE part of the Lake Basin so people can go to the bathroom on the island. Jeremy Johnson said he was copied on the complaint, and he must talk with Dave Walton from the POA on this. The Island is owned by the LLPOA.

Responsible Boating Committee:

Kristin Allen said they met on Wednesday last week. They have a big concern about the website. Tom Ittner said they are working on it, and they have made great strides on the website. They would like Alice Lacare to meet with the current web designer because she has worked with websites before. She confirmed with the Board that they did not have an issue with her doing this. They have quizzes on the Facebook page, and they are giving out the boating responsibly merchandise as prizes. They are looking to get permission to put slow no wake flags on properties. They are going to scrap the first brochures that are missing Brave Island and print some new ones for next year. They want to order new T-shirts soon, since we are out of the ones we had. The videos are going out every other week on the Facebook community page. Once the boat patrol information has been formatted for 2024, the RBC committee would like to get that out on Facebook. There was a discussion about wake boats. They want to put the lake fair and boater safety class in the market messenger. The Board approved the ordering of the T-shirts by general consensus.


Kristin Allen asked if the lake District puts in all the docks for the Beach Clubs and Boat landings. The Board answered no, because the Beach clubs are owned by the Association. The Lake District only puts docks in at the Public Boat Landings. Kristin Allen asked why Pat Gooey cannot park and launch at rawhide because he does a lot of service for people on the lake. Steve said if they give him a key for the lock, they will have to give a key to all the lake service companies. Tom Ittner pointed out that when he was using the site he was digging up the gravel bed with his equipment.


Jeremy Johnson said the cards are all sent out. Everything with the new software is working very well for lake owners and septic pumpers.

Lake Management Plan:

Jeremy Johnson said the DNR found out about the Tribes non approval from the LaMotte Lake Association. Since the Tribe did not approve the permits were placed on hold. Tom Ittner talked to Andrew, he said we have a valid permit, and Andrew is going to call after the meeting and let him know what is going on. Jeremy said Onterra is going to start surveying soon as part of the grant program set in place for the next two years.

Law Enforcement:

Denise Gilane said they have interviews coming up on May 30 for new deputies.


Tom Ittner said we are still in the same situation with muskies as last year. Still working the getting the right breed of muskies. We are still working with the Tribe on raising Walleyes for stocking this year in Legend Lake.


Nothing to report

Auxiliary Approved Meeting Reports:

No report.


Tom Moutvic said they are in pretty good shape. Tom Ittner gave Steve Schuh information about the sticker blitz for CBCW for the State of Wisconsin.

Old Business:

Dam 3 Repairs:

Robert Clark said there is no pipe going into sand lake. Robert went over the pipes he located underwater and what he had found. When the water is low, they can put dye into the inlet pipe to find out its outflow location. There was a discussion about what they could do with the valve.

New Business:

Budget Update:

Tom Ittner went over the budget report. Tom asked the Board to go over the budget for the areas they work with for next months meeting. The Board went over the budget report figures in detail.

Next meeting on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at 9:00 am and July meeting was set on July 16, 2024.

Meeting adjourned.

Kristin Allen, Secretary