June 18, 2024
Commissioner Tom Ittner called the meeting to order 9am.
Commissioners Present:
Tom Ittner, Tom Moutvic, Robert Clark, Denise Gilane, Kristin Allen, Greg Malmstrom, Jeremy Johnson excused
Steve Schuh- Lake Manager, Andrew Hudak (DNR Water Resources East District Supervisor – Bureau of Water Quality), Kyle Burton (Water Resources East District Director – Bureau of Water Quality), Chief Deputy Justin Hoffman, and Steve Savage
Approval of the Agenda:
Tom Ittner wants to move #9 2024 Lake Management Plan up on the agenda. Robert Clark made a motion to approve the agenda with the change. Gregg Malmstrom seconded. Motion carried.
2024 Lake Management Plan:
Tom Ittner introduced DNR representatives Andrew Hudak and his boss Kyle Burton. Tom explained that the DNR put a hold on the DNR permit we received to do the proposed herbicide treatment for 24.40 acres of Eurasian Watermilfoil in our Lake. Tom recapped all the steps that the lake district had taken which led up to the filing of the application for the permit. DNR accepted and gave us the permit. Tom asked Andrew to tell the Board their view and why they put a hold on the permit. Andrew said that the Lake District did everything they were asked and followed all the steps necessary to get the permit. Andrew explained that the Tribe had an objection that the treatment was for potential impacts to other plant species and to the fish community. Andrew Hudak said the DNR did a consultation meeting with the Tribe to hear their objections. They asked the Tribe to submit their objections in writing. The DNR said that the Lake District has a valid permit, and the Lake District can treat. The DNR is looking at a larger world view if the Lake District treats without the Tribes consent. There was further discussion about the Tribes’ objections and the treatment. Andrew stated that the Lake District has a valid permit. Tom Ittner asked that the DNR send a letter rescinding the hold on the permit. Andrew said that they would write a letter to lift the hold on the permit. The Board has decided to proceed with the treatment. The Board also decided to proceed with public information meetings for the future treatments in addition to the current public announcements that were posted in newspaper and postings.
Boat Patol Enforcement:
Chief Deputy Justin Hoffman shared the paperwork for the incentive program for Boat Patrol. The office will need social security numbers at year end to cut the incentive checks and to do the payment reporting to the IRS.
Motion by Denise Gilane to approve the stipends program for the Menominee County Sheriff’s office for Boat Patrol 2024. Second by Kristen Allen. Motion Carried.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Motion by Denise Gilane to approve the May 21, 2024, minutes with changes. Second by Gregg Malmstrom. Motion carried.
Tom Ittner shared a letter from the Tribe requesting donation to the 2024 Pow Wow. Motion by Kristen Allen that we sponsor a $500 donation to the Pow Wow. Second by Tom Moutvic. Motion Carried. 3 for, 2 oppose
Cash Balance Report:
Tom Moutvic went over the cash balances & checking disbursement report.
Approval of Disbursements:
Tom Moutvic went over the disbursements for the period of May 19 through June 15, 2024. Denise Gilane made a motion to approve the report & disbursements. Bob Clark seconded. Motion carried.
Chairman’s Report:
Tom Ittner nothing to add in this item.
Lake Manager:
Steve Schuh shared that they had a lot of tree damage on Dam #1 spillway over the Winter. With the help of the POA crew it was cleaned up very quickly. Have done buoy checks twice and checked channel depths as the Board had requested. Aquatic plants are sparse so far. Cutting brush on Dam #3 and cleaned out to the water line. Water is two inches above the cut out at the Dam #3.
Dam Inspector:
Tom Ittner said that Lisa said everything is fine at the dams.
Lake Maintenance:
Nothing to report
Tom Moutvic is keeping track of the complaints on tribal lots. Will meet with Community Development about the summer youth program and cleaning up the garbage on the lake.
Responsible Boating Committee:
Kristin Allen showed off the new shirts that have been purchased. Taking care of our lake, taking care of each other. She shared the prices and thought they will be a good seller. Market Messenger had an article about the Boater Safety class coming up. Kristen stated that Sue Thoma needs additional volunteers for the water day. After the class ends on Friday, Kristin and Sue will be going out on the lake and seeing if property owners will allow them to put the Slow No Wake flag on their shore.
Kristin Allen asked about contacting Randy Roesner about the website. They would prefer not to be contacted until after the Annual Association meeting. Kristin will make contact after the LLPOA’s annual meeting.
Jeremy Johnson -will report next month.
Lake Management Plan:
Discussed earlier in meeting
Law Enforcement:
Discussed earlier in meeting
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
Auxiliary Approved Meeting Reports:
No report.
Nothing to report
Old Business:
Dam 3 Repairs:
Robert Clark said wanted to verify the 12-inch inlet pipe in July if the water is low enough to go into the pit. If not, we will block the cut out to go into the pit. The point of the inlet is under the ground, it is vertical. Stop the flow over the cut out and then we can weld a new cover on it. The low water last year was due to Mother Nature and lack of rain, not this pipe in question.
Lake Fair:
Kristin Allen shared the Lake Fair poster on the Facebook page. They plan on putting posters in Shawano store fronts to promote this event. She will also put an ad in the Market Messenger. No update on sponsors yet, Casino will sponsor the log rollers. Petting zoo & tent are lined up.
New Business:
Budget Update:
Tom Ittner went over the budget report he handed out, which were figures through June 15th. Annual Meeting is August 10th. Tom asked everyone to review and come back with numbers & thoughts for the next meeting.
Annual Meeting Planning:
Tom handed out last years agenda/mailing. Please review and make changes for 2024. Tom Ittner & Jeremy Johnson are up for election this year. We must approve everything at the next meeting to get set up for printing and mailing.
Next meeting: Tuesday, July 16, 2024, at 9:00 am
Meeting adjourned.
Kristin Allen, Secretary