September 2024 LLPOA Meeting Minutes

LLPOA Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes for September 13, 2024

Board Members Present:

Steve Savage Randy Roesner Stan Wilson Karen Bowman-Dillenburg Shelley Williams Gregg Malmstrom Steve Kastning


Thomas Strebel

Visitors Comments:

No visitor’s comments.


The audit was completed and they passed. Weed cutting continues. They are doing their testing on the lake for the past couple weeks.


The County is bringing the school district in as a plaintiff and the school district filed a motion to dismiss. The lawyer is filing a counter brief. The MCTA is holding a meeting tomorrow to share information that they had collected concerning the assessments.

Approval of Minutes of Board Meeting of August 9, 2024:

Stan Wilson made a motion to approve the minutes for August 9, 2024 as presented. Steve Savage seconded the motion. Motion for approval of minutes carried.

Approval of Disbursements:

The Christensen Printing billing was questioned. Thomas confirmed that it was for the Smoke Signals and that billing just came in so it was not in the information mailed out to the Board. The Quill Corporation bill was questioned, and it was said it was for office products. The Board discussed the aging accounts receivable report. They are going to be called. The Hillside Grinding billing was for the chipping. Darin Tiedt made a motion to approve the disbursements. Steve Savage seconded. Motion carried.

Outside Managers Report:

The risky tree that was brought to the attention of the Board turns out to be on the property owner’s property. The outside manager obtained guidance from the Board on possible liability issues prior to the meeting.

Office Managers Report:

Thomas Strebel said he already informed the Board about the late billing and he mentioned the Smoke Signals just was mailed.

Committee Reports:


The Committee is going to get the new member up to speed concerning the work they have been doing with Jeremy Johnson.

Beach Clubs:

There was a meeting with some of the Beach Club members to find out if there is something that the members can do to help with the clean up outside the Beach Club area. They agreed that they can pick up and stack up debris for removal, but they cannot use chainsaws and power equipment. Clean up is progressing. The Straight Arrow path is completely blocked from the Big Sky road entrance. The committee is going to look for alternatives on what to do going forward.

Buildings and Grounds:

Some changes were made in the office.

By-Laws & Legal:

Messages were sent to the lawyer, and have not heard back yet.


The Tribe has free firewood for the elders of this community and they are going to put it on the website and FaceBook pages. They are working on the training for the office for the website. They have been working with the Responsible Boating committee member to update their tile on the website. They have reached out to Lake District, and they are waiting for a response from them.


No report.


Once he gets a full story on what is going on, the financial projections can be completed. All moneys agreed upon have been received from the County and is completed. In the beginning of October they are going to turn the compost site. There was a discussion about the possibility of the outside crew working over the winter for clean up.

Forestry and Outlots:

The license for the compost site was received for 20,000 cubic yards. There was a discussion about the compost use. The forester is going to assess things in the fall. There is a meeting with the DNR representative on the FireWise program. The Board discussed the requirements for the FireWise program. The MFL program was discussed and how it use to be out on the website. It was asked if the LLPOA is paying the reduced tax rate on land in the MFL? Stan Wilson is going to confirm tax rate being paid on the MFL property.


No report.


Working on getting the office rearranged.

Property Sales:

The Board discussed the cost of the property sold and that it should also include the forgiveness of the dues in the total.  The Board discussed setting the pricing of the property that were purchased.  They are going to get more information before setting the prices.


No report.

Roads and Security:

Pertinent information was shared with the Board members outside of the meeting and there is nothing that needs to be added.

Other Business:

No other business.

Closed Session:
Steve Savage made a motion to go into closed session.  Jim Skulstad seconded.  Motion carried.

Next meeting is Friday, October 11, 2024, at 3:00 p.m.

Submitted by:

Darin Tiedt, Secretary
Board of Director