November 2024 LLPRD Meeting Minutes

November 19, 2024

Commissioner Tom Ittner called the meeting to order 9am.

Commissioners Present:
Tom Ittner, Denise Gilane, Kristin Allen, Gregg Malmstrom, Jeremy Johnson, Robert Clark, and Tom Moutvic via zoom

Steve Schuh- Lake Manager and Sergeant Hoffman

Approval of the Agenda:

Tom Ittner made a motion to move number 10 up to right after the approval of the agenda. Gregg Malmstrom seconded. Motion carried.

Deputy Dins on Patrol Incentive:

The Board and the Sergeant discussed the incentive program and possibly adding additional tiers. Robert Clark suggested finding out how much time Clark Delzer has put in on the lake. The Sergeant is going to put together an adjusted proposal for next year for the Lake District to go over.

Public Input:

No public input.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:

Motion by Jeremy Johnson to approve the October 29, 2024, meeting minutes. Second by Kristin Allen. Motion carried.


Cash Balance Report:

Tom Ittner went over the cash balances & checking disbursement report.

Approval of Disbursements:

Tom ittner went over the disbursements. Robert Clark made a motion to approve the disbursements. Tom Moutvic seconded. Motion carried.

Chairman’s Report:

Tom Ittner is working on the insurance renewal and working with Jeremy on survey and grant stuff.

Lake Manager:

Steve Schuh said he brought the truck in for winterization. He is having them check the transmission. Everything has been winterized. He has two trees in the spillway of dam number one that he has to remove when the ground hardens up. Over the winter, Steve is going to be working on the downside of dam 3. As soon as they get some snow, Steve is going to open the gates and chains for the snowmobilers.

Dam Inspector:

Tom Ittner said he talked with Lisa and everything is going good with the spillways and the outlet pipes from the toe drain system. Everything is good and the reports are up to date.

Lake Maintenance:

No report.


No report.

Responsible Boating Committee:

No report.


No report.


No report.

Law Enforcement:

Denise Gilane said they lost another nighttime deputy.


There was a discussion about people helping with the fish stocking.


Nothing to report

Auxiliary Approved Meeting Reports:

No report.


Steve Schuh talked about the new person hired for the Clean Boats Clean Water program for next year.

Old Business:

2025 Lake Management Plan:

Jeremy Johnson talked about the survey they are sending out to the membership. Onterra did a whole lake system point intercept survey this year. They talked about the 4 areas proposed for treatment for next year. They are focusing on the dense areas. They are waiting for the DNR to set up a meeting concerning the procedures in the future for the permitting process for treatments. Tom Ittner suggested giving the proposed treatment maps to the Heather at the Tribe so she can go over them. Jeremy Johnson made a motion for the four proposed treatment areas that they talked about and refenced in their distribution packets for 31.1 acres total. Robert Clark seconded. Motion carried.

New Business:

Annual Harvest Ball or Gift Cards:

Tom Moutvic said the committee discussed it and they suggested that they give out cash gifts rather than have a dinner. Tom Ittner suggested giving Dave and Vinnie from the LLPOA a cash gift because of all the help they had given Steve Schuh and his crew this year. The Board discussed and Jeremy Johnson made a motion to give ten people cash gifts of $125 each with two people getting cash gifts of $50 each totaling $1,350.00. Tom Moutvic seconded. Motion carried. Kristin Allen asked why they do not give the Lake Manager more. Tom Ittner said it will be addressed when the pay raises come around in early 2025.

Insurance Renewal:

Tom Ittner went over the insurance renewal. Tom Ittner made a motion to increase the replacement cost of the building to $300,000. For the insurance renewal. Jeremy Johnson seconded. Motion carried. The final Insurance renewal will be on the agenda for the next months meeting.

Other Information:

Kristin Allen said the Responsible Boating Committee will be working on re-wording the town ordinance 47 and 13 with Jeremy over the winter months.

Next meeting: Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at 9am

Meeting adjourned.

Kristin Allen, Secretary