When on the water
- Travel at Slow-No-Wake (SNW) in channels – always.
- Stay 200 feet from shore when traveling faster than SNW.
- After making several passes towing, move to another part of the lake.
- Try to keep your wave away from the shore by directing your wake towards the center of the lake when possible.
- Avoid surfing in shallow and narrow parts of the lake.
- Wake boats should empty their ballasts when traveling through in channels.
Tips for Protecting Your Shoreline
- Vegetation stabilizes the shoreline. Sandy beaches are most susceptible.
- Hard structures, such as rocks or biologs, may be required.
- A natural shoreline (trees, shrubs, grasses, sedges) is the most preferred.
For more information on protecting your shoreline
Menomonee County CFZ (Conservation/Forestry/Zoning) Dept.