September 2023 LLPRD Meeting Minutes






eptember 25, 2023

Commissioner Tom Ittner called the meeting to order 9am.

Commissioners Present:
Tom Ittner, Robert Clark, Tom Moutvic, Jeremy Johnson, Denise Gilane, Kristin Allen- Zoom


Approval of the Agenda:
Jeremy Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Tom Moutvic seconded. Motion carried

Public Input:

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Motion by Jeremy Johnson to approve the August 28, 2023 as presented. Second by Kristin Allen. Motion carried.

Nothing, just the outstanding request from Wes Fredericks for a new buoy in Spring Lake. Jeremy & Tom I. will be contacting the DNR for the changes.

Cash Balance Report:
Tom Moutvic went over the cash balances as of September 22, 2023.

Approval of Disbursements:
Tom Moutvic went over the disbursements. Bob Clark made a motion to approve both reports. Jeremy Johnson seconded. Motion carried.

Chairman’s Report:
Tom Ittner shared that their money market bank account at Co Vantage was hacked into. They did get the money back and the account has been red flagged for no external transfers. Dam #3 water is so low, walking the box on the shoreline, a crack was found. Runs about ten feet. A permit has been requested and repair for a cost of $3900.00. The water level is down eight inches. The big harvester grate needs to be replaced. They must have hit a stump, per Steve Schuh.

Lake Manager:
All buoys are out and have been cleaned up. They will be looking into signs that attach to the top of buoys for extra visibility that people are in a slow no wake area. They will ask Steve Schuh to do a count for those specific signs. The little harvester has new injectors and still has been losing power or powering down. Pat Roberts will continue with the repairs. Attached bogs cannot be moved per the DNR. They will deal with it in the spring if it is still there in the Beaver Bay area. Steve Schuh is doing a great job. The personel committee needs to meet and talk to all the employees about coming back in 2024. Lake District will run an ad in the Spring Smoke Signals for Clean Boats Clean Water employees, because a couple of CBCW employees will not be returning(Greg and Shelley).

Dam Inspector:
Nothing to add. Discussed in Chairman’s report. Reports are here for Dam #1 & #3.

Lake Maintenance:
Boat landing is nice, nothing more to add. Running Bear boat launch needs some additional work with the cement pads. Jeremy J. will check the launch.

Tom Moutvic will be going out tomorrow to take pictures of the worst lots for garbage.

Responsible Boating Committee: Kristin Allen reported they had a great meeting. She shared about the clothing & flags that are left. Future shirts should be grey & long sleeve. Can LLPRD get a credit card reader for selling the clothes? Tom I. will look into the sales tax issue. Jet ski activity during Labor Day weekend was very dangerous. Starting 2024 they want to focus on jet skis and change behavior. A survey is going out online regarding Responsible Boating, which would include a voluntary two-hour refresher class on boating if they would take the class. Discussion about cameras on the lake for violations. Kristin to look into this.

Lake District is contemplating buying the camera’s and have them linked to a phone app to review the violations.

Maintaining storage for all videos could be an issue and connecting to wi-fi will have to be figured out for the cameras. It is all about the education process. Can the Responsible Boating Committee videos be shown at the 2024 Lake Conference? Kristin to contact Eric Olson of the Wisconsin Lakes Partnership.

Nothing more to add

Jeremy is done for the season. It went very well this year. Only three or four violation letters went out.

Law Enforcement:
Denise Gilane shared about the Sheriff’s department boat patrol concerns. The Lake District is looking into ways we can financially assist in getting boat patrol.

Walleye’s were stocked, a total 6800. They were 6 to 8 inches long. No word about the muskies.

Nothing to report

Auxiliary Approved Meeting Reports:
LCC meeting spent the final cost share grant of $20,000. Horseshoe Island will be handled next year. Additional discussion with Dam #3 and installing snow fence to keep everyone off the face of the dam.

Discussion about hiring new on call office staff to replace Nancy Andersen.

Old Business:
Lake Management Plan: Jeremy has heard from Onterra. They sent a bill with the additional survey costs. Residual lab results need to come back to LLPRD. Jeremy should be the authorized grant representative for the DNR Comprehensive Management Planning Grant. New GPS units are being purchased for the harvesters so Onterra can download the coordinates and see where we are cutting or where we need to cut. This is a precursor to what the DNR will be requesting in the future.

New Business:
Motion by Tom Ittner to appoint Jeremy Johnson the authorized agent for the Lake Management Grant for the DNR application deadline of November 15th, 2023. Second by Denise Gilane. Motion carried. This grant will expand for the next two years.

Bob Clark discussed the possibility of hiring our own certified deputy to do boat patrol. That person would only do boat patrol. Kristin will schedule the Sheriff to attend the next Board meeting in October to discuss boat patrol.

Next meeting is Monday, October 30, 2023, at 9:00 am.

Meeting adjourned.

Kristin Allen, Secretary