Sheepshead is played Wednesday 9:00 am till Noon and Thursday 6:00 pm till 10:00 pm at Legend Lake Lodge

ATV & UTV Club
Legend Lake Area ATV & UTV Club
The Legend Lake Area ATV & UTV Club aims to unite responsible riders who advocate for safety and education in our sport.

Book Club
Between the covers
Last Monday of the month at 1pm
The book club chooses a book that they read and discuss on the last Monday of each month at 1:00 pm.
Host/Hostess: TBD
Book: TBD
​Author: TBD

Ladies Lunch
Third Thursday of each month at 11:30 am
Please sign up at the Lodge Office monthly if you plan to attend. Contact the Lodge for info on the next Ladies’ Lunch.

Night on the Town
Second week of each month

(Real Old Men Eating Out)
2nd and 4th Monday of the month
War Bonnet in Keshena
The ROMEOs are a great bunch of guys who, twice a month, go to the local pub and have a refreshment of their choice and a sandwich.

Craft Day
Are you interested in Crafts? (Quilting, Knitting, Crocheting)
Every Wednesday Morning from 9:00 am to noon
Second Thursday of each month from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Legend Lake Lodge

Resources for one of our favorite seasons

Game Night
1st and 3rd Wednesday 7pm
Malmstrom Residence