January 2024 LLPOA Meeting Minutes

LLPOA Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes for January 19, 2024

Board Members Present:
Steve Savage via Zoom, Randy Roesner via Phone, Stan Wilson,
Steve Kastning, Jim Skulstad, Karen Bowman-Dillenburg,
Shelley Williams, Gregg Malmstrom, Arland Dillenburg

Larry Schultz, Elaine Noel, and Denise Gilane

Visitors Comments:
The Board discussed the proposed Memorandum of Agreement with the Menominee County Taxpayers Association. Any agreement between the two organizations going forward would need to be agreed upon by both parties and if necessary, they would get attorney review. Shelley Williams made a motion to sign the Memorandum of Agreement as presented. Jim Skulstad seconded. Motion carried with 3 opposed because they did not get consult by the Association’s attorney prior to approval.

Already discussed.

Gregg Malmstrom said not much is happening with the Lake District and discussed who will be taking over for Arland Dillenburg, who left the Lake District. Arland said his business has grown and he no longer has time to manage the lake. Arland was thanked for the work that he had done for the lake.

Approval of Minutes of Board Meeting December 8, 2023:
Gregg Malmstrom made a motion to approve the minutes of December 8, 2023. Steve Savage seconded the motion. Karen Bowman-Dillenburg Abstained. Motion carried – minutes approved.

Approval of Disbursements:
It was verified that the bill to the Menominee Treasurer was to pay for half the property taxes. Karen Bowman-Dillenburg made a motion to approve the disbursements for December 2023 and January 2024. Stan Wilson seconded. It was confirmed that the credit card bill is separated into the various expenses. The Purchase Power bill was questioned. Thomas said it was for the postage machine. The Board discussed the addition of gutter caps to the building and the dumper dog purchased for the truck. The Plain Sense Printing bill was questioned. Thomas said it was for the annual dues mailing. Torborg’s bill was questioned, and it was pointed out it was for the purchase of fencing. It was confirmed the Vande Hey Company bill was for the flag project. This will be reimbursed by the projects fund generations. Motion carried.

Outside Managers Report:
Dave Walton has given a written report for the month. Appreciation was expressed for what he does.

Action Items:
No action items.

Officers Reports:
President Steve Kastning:
Steve talked about eliminating the President and Vice President report because it gets discussed in the committee reports. The Board discussed the suggestion.

Vice President Gregg Malmstrom:
Nothing to report.
Committee Reports:
Jim Skulstad, Dave Walton, Steve K. met with Jeremy Johnson for a second time. Jeremy had a document with building requirements from both County & LLPOA. They went through the requirements trying to align with both organizations. Very productive meeting. No significant changes. Same language will make it easier for people to know how to do the right thing.
Beach Clubs:
No action- a meeting will be scheduled for February.
Buildings and Grounds:
Steve K. reported everything is quiet. No heating issues.
By-Laws & Legal:
Still waiting to hear from our Attorney. Stan will reach out and request a calendar with dates for our lawsuits.
We are using Facebook for notifying members when there are closures of the Lodge. Communication had a second meeting with LLPRD, they went over the website changes. They have interviewed for a new web designer. The pricing will 40 – 50% cheaper, and they are recommending a switch to a different provider. They are moving the website towards revenue income and to be more functional. Eventually they hope to offer dues payment, compost site, & additional items online for members to complete. It was discovered that there were 2 Facebook pages. The 2 will be migrated into one and all members will be sent to the real LLPOA Facebook page since we are the original/owner of that page.

Jeremy Johnson put together a document with the camping rules. The Committee will be meeting in February.
Stan Wilson, working on the Budget for 2025, will be reaching out for numbers from everyone to make it more thorough.
Forestry and Outlots:
Steve S. nothing new to report
Nothing to report.
The committee is updating the Personnel Policies. A policy for merit increases that Gregg Malmstrom will work on developing with the Personnel Chair. Several documents are not up to date, such as job descriptions. The evaluation form will also be revised.
Property Sales:
Only one lot for sale on Straight Arrow by the LLPOA. May review selling price.

Nothing new or planned soon.
Roads and Security:
Nothing to report.

Other Business:
A letter of thank you for the donation to the Haunted Hallway.
We are trying to get a good graphic design for our pavement/flagpole project. Steve K. is not happy with the first draft picture. Randy is working with Polar Engraving for the website to purchase bricks. The visual aid that was sent over from Vande Hey company is not very realistic for our building & grounds.
For conversation purposes only, Karen would like to reach out to the membership to see if anyone has a database or knowledge to help us replace/update the Approach data base that is being used presently. First step, identifying the functions/requirements that need to be done or converted. Fact finding mission.

Closed Session:
Motion by Karen Dillenburg to go into Closed Session. Second by Stan Wilson. Motion Carried.
Closed Session

Open Session:
Motion by Karen Dillenburg to approve the pay raises for the designated personnel. Based on the discussion in Closed Session, effective January 1, 2024. Second by Gregg Malmstrom. Motion Carried. One abstention.

Jim Skulstad made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Karen Dillenburg seconded. Motion carried.
Meeting Adjourned.

Next meeting is Friday, February 9, 2024, at 3:00 p.m.

Submitted by:
Shelley Williams, Secretary
Board of Director

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