October 2023 LLPOA Meeting Minutes

LLPOA Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes for October 13, 2023

Board Members Present:                      

Steve Savage                           Randy Roesner                       Stan Wilson

Karen Bowman-Dillenburg     Jim Skulstad                            Steve Kastning

Shelley Williams                     Gregg Malmstrom                 

Board Members Excused:

Arland Dillenburg


Elaine Noel, Larry Schultz, Pat Wiegard, Darin Tiedt, Howard and Jeanne Cleaves

Visitors Comments:

Darin Tiedt asked how the camping regulations on the property are enforced.  He was told the County is the one that enforces the rules.  He also questioned the season camping enforcement.  He was advised that the Board does not go around and look for violators, but if they are seen or reported they will follow up on them.

Howard Cleaves is requesting a variance on his second garage.  Architectural is reviewing the variance request.  The variance requested is to not to have the required foundation.  The Board will discuss later in the meeting and he would be called in the morning.


The last conversation the president had with the Lake District was about the Lake District merchandise which was sold back to them and he had offered to purchase them back.  Lake District decided to keep the merchandise and give it out as prizes in their trivia questions.

Approval of Minutes of Board Meeting September 8, 2023:

Steve Savage made a motion to approve the minutes of September 8, 2023; Gregg Malmstrom seconded the motion.  Karen Bowman-Dillenburg abstained.  Motion carried – minutes approved.

Approval of Disbursements:

Karen Bowman-Dillenburg made a motion to approve the disbursements for September and October 2023.  Stan Wilson seconded. It was questioned what the Cecil Trucking and Excavating is for.  Thomas said it is for the Compost turn and the Medicine Hat Evacuation Route.  The Legal expenses variance was discussed and how it should be disclosed.  The Purchase Power billing was questioned.  Thomas said it is for postage put on the postage machine.  The amount over on the approved $5000 on Fletcher Consulting billing was questioned.  The extra FaceBook work put the initial billing over the $5000 mark for set up and the next billing includes the changes made for the Lake District.  Lake District pays for half the website expenses.  Motion carried.

Outside Managers Report:  

Dave Walton wrote up a suggestion to reduce the hours at the compost site for next year.  The Board discussed the request, but they need more information before deciding. 

Office Manager Report:

Thomas told the Board he put together all the requested information the accountant requested for the audit and the audit is currently being worked on.  They have not called for any additional information or with any questions yet.

The dues mailing goes out in late November so anything additional they want to send must be submitted and approved in the beginning of November to go to the printers. 

Thomas said they are getting close to the end of the year, so suggested that they start thinking about where they would like to make reservations for their Christmas party.  It will be put on the agenda next month.

Pat Wiegand suggested printing on both sides of the paper in the mailing.

Action Items:

No action items

Officers Reports:

President Steve Kastning:

Steve Kastning said he was contacted by the CRC for a donation or involvement in their haunted hallway.  He donated $100 to the event and is asking the Board to approve reimbursing him. The Board talked about the different events going on that day.  Stan Wilson made a motion approve reimbursement for the contribution to the CRC.  Jim Skulstad seconded.  Motion carried.

Vice President Gregg Malmstrom:

Nothing to report.

Secretary Shelley Williams:

Nothing to report.

Treasurer Stan Wilson:

Stan Wilson said they need to do something with the 5 year plan to go over at the next meeting.  It was asked that they budget more for shoreline restoration.

Committee Reports:


The Board discussed the Cleave’s variance request.  Architectural will review and get back to him.

Beach Clubs:

The final Beach Club meeting will be on October 28th and will be at the lodge.  It is going to be posted on FaceBook. Dave is going to be reminded of changes requested for next year.  Beach Club is going to work with finance on looking at direct cost and indirect cost for off water lots.  There was a discussion about the Beach Club budget.  It was determined that the confusion from the cancellation of the last Beach Club meeting reflected on the whole Board.  Another Board member could have run the meeting.  There was a discussion about what is brought up at the meeting.  The main thing coming from the meetings is the members do not want blanket changes, their Beach Club is fine.

Buildings and Grounds:

It was requested that they have ladies’ and men’s bathroom signs installed in the lower area.

The shoreline wildflowers went in and the County helped plant them.  Some mulch will go in and a fence will go up to keep the ATV’s and snowmobile out over the winter.

By-Laws & Legal:

All the bylaws will be looked at and punitive damages will be added.  A timeline is going to be set up for next meeting


The website use is going up.  The site spikes the first Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each month.  There was a discussion about website.  There are things they can do to increase the speed.  Lake District needs to give feedback on what they want for items directly related to them.


The Camping committee is going to follow up on a request to check properties out.


It is getting to be budget time.

Forestry and Outlots:

The two evacuation routes for FireWise have been finished at Medicine Hat and Morning Star.  The Association is FireWise certified for next year.  They have applied for projects next year to do evacuation routes for Hawks Nest and Fox Ridge.  The bids came back that it would be two years of work so Fox Ridge is being submitted first.  There are a lot of hoops they must jump through to get grant money and they may not get the money next year.


Nothing to report.


The new part time on call office person is working well.  There are plans to hire a second person in November, and the position is still posted on the website.

Dave is keeping an eye out for a part time outside person and they can post in the Spring, if they need someone.

Property Sales:

Since this meeting was postponed, the bids were opened last week and two bids were excepted for two lots, 60 Big Sky and 30 Wood Duck.  Straight Arrow is left.  They will put the lot out for bids again.  It will be put in the Smoke Signals if not sold.

Lisa was requested to reach out to Kassidy’s for the Christmas party after the December Board meeting.  The Board discussed and Lisa is setting up the Christmas party.


Nothing to report

Roads and Security:

On October 3rd there was a Legend Lake Dam related Hazardous Material exercise that went well.  The exercise was well attended with personnel from law enforcement, fire department, EMS, Emergency Management and Legend Lake entities.

Other Business:

Darin Tiedt thanked the Board for their commitment and what they do.

Pat Wiegand asked the Board what she should ask or what she should be aware of.  The Board has no directive, the MCTA will discuss.

The Flag pole project is being worked on and there will be a formalized proposal to present at November’s meeting which will go into the Winter Smoke Signals.  There has been a lot of interest in this project.

Karen Bowman-Dillenburg made a motion to go into closed session.  Randy Roesner seconded.  Motion Carried.

Gregg Malmstrom made a motion to come out of closed session. Stan Wilson seconded.

Motion carried. The Board came out of closed session.

Gregg Malmstrom made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Karen Bowman-Dillenburg seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned.

Next meeting is Friday, November 10, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.

Submitted by:

Shelley Williams, Secretary

Board of Director

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