September 2023 LLPOA Meeting Minutes

LLPOA Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes for September 8, 2023

Board Members Present:                      

Steve Savage                           Randy Roesner                       Stan Wilson

Arland Dillenburg                   Jim Skulstad                            Steve Kastning

Shelley Williams                     Gregg Malmstrom                 

Board Members Excused:

Karen Bowman-Dillenburg


Wes Fredericks

Visitors Comments:

Wes Fredericks asked about the bylaw change to make by-law changes a super majority.  The Legal team is going to look at all the by-laws including consideration for adding punitive damages for violations.

Wes asked about the police coverage if anything is being done.  He was told the County is looking at doing something about the disparity in pay, but they are not getting any applicants.


The buoys are staying in as long as it stays warm.  The harvest is still going on.  This will be Arland’s last year managing the lake.

The website is going to be modified after the meeting with the LLPRD.  They are looking at all options concerning boat patrol.  The Lake fair went well.

Approval of Minutes of Board Meeting August 11, 2023:

Steve Savage made a motion to approve the minutes of August 11, 2023; Gregg Malmstrom seconded the motion.  Motion carried – minutes approved.

Approval of Disbursements:

It was questioned what Cutting Etch Studios is.  Thomas said it for the purchase of the metal tumblers and can coolers we sell.  There was a discussion about the variance fee.  Steve Savage made a motion to approve the disbursements for August and September 2023.  Stan Wilson seconded. Motion carried.

Outside Managers Report:  

Discussed bat problem at the lodge, will have a follow up with Dave Walton.  There have been some boat mooring issues and a number of the tags torn off and thrown in grass.

Office Manager Report:

Thomas talked about the domain listing billing that was received and said that he looked at it closer and it is not a bill, but a solicitation for services to get the legend lake to the top of searches.  It was confirmed that they did not need this.

There was a discussion about the website creation billing.  It was pointed out that the Lake District is paying half the cost, and there had just been a meeting with them.  Thomas explained that the Association pays the website bills and then he bills the district for half the cost.

Action Items:

The Board discussed planting native plants by the shoreline.  Shelley Williams made a motion to support this to approve the expenditure of up to $800 for collaborative purchase of shoreline restoration plants. Gregg Malmstrom seconded.  They discussed the 10 year upkeep and planting.  They also discussed the result will include discouragement to geese coming on the lawn as well as how it will complement the new flagpole plans.  Motion carried.

Officers Reports:

President Steve Kastning:

Steve Kastning apologized for missing the last meeting. 

Vice President Gregg Malmstrom:

Nothing to report.

Secretary Shelley Williams:

Nothing to report.

Treasurer Stan Wilson:

Stan Wilson said he has been working on collections and has had success.  He is doing some small claims actions and foreclosures on some of them.  Information should be disclosed at the annual meeting.  He is going to formulate policy and procedure for collections.

Committee Reports:


It was noted that Dave Walton has been involved with the Architectural Committee and has been a valuable asset. The plans have been more active this past week.  The Board discussed a variance request that was submitted to square off a deck.  Jim Skulstad made a motion to approve a variance of a 4 foot by 20 foot squaring off a repaired deck that exists within the 100 foot setback with the limitations of a clear and concise drawing if a roof line is added.  Stan Wilson seconded.  Motion carried.

Still working on a better process for the transfer of information between Architectural committee members

Beach Clubs:

Beach club meeting did not meet this last month.  A statement was read that Jeremy Johnson sees kayak racks on property and has decided not to do anything about them.  The Beach club rules are going to be looked at over the winter.

There was an altercation on a Beach Club for someone being on the wrong Beach Club.  The person claimed that they were given permission to use any Beach Club at the Beach Club meeting.  The Beach Club committee does not recall this being said.

Concerning the kayak racks:  It was pointed out that there are two different things, what Jeremy Johnson will enforce and what the Association can enforce. 

Buildings and Grounds:

Need to address problem in the lower shop problem, but they have time to deal with it.

By-Laws & Legal:

The appellate process is still going forward.


The website update/rebuild is continuing.  The website is faster, and attempts are being made to make the site more user friendly.  Still things in the works for the website and there is a training session with the staff.  The design was changed after meeting with the Lake District.


The biggest question is why they have to take their camper off the lot.  It is also a County requirement.

Discussion about cutting off services to members not in good standing.


Working on outstanding dues.

Forestry and Outlots:

Approval was passed on to Russ Timmers about cutting some trees.  Going to get the hours for the FireWise program.


Nothing to report.


A couple people interested in the part time position.  Nancy Andersen has resigned effective September 1st but has agreed to work an extra day.  The Board thanks her for her service.

Property Sales:

The Board discussed the properties that were purchased.  It is going to be posted on Facebook and website, and it is up to the discretion of the Board to accept the bid.  It is going out to bid at the suggested minimum price and will be opened for the next Board meeting October 13, 2023.


Nothing to report

Roads and Security:

Nothing to report.

Other Business:

Steve Savage made a motion to go into closed session.  Randy Roesner seconded.  Motion carried.

The Board came out of closed session

Steve Savage made a motion to allow the personnel committee the option to alter the office hours to the extent of being closed Mondays and open for a full eight hours on Saturday.  Stan Wilson Seconded.  Motion Carried

Motion by Steve Savage to adjourn meeting, seconded by Randy Roesner, all in favor, motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned.

Next meeting is Friday, October 13, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.

Submitted by:

Shelley Williams, Secretary

Board of Director

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